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THE BIKES. 77 CR125M1, 78 CR250R Elsinores, and 81 CR250R.
Current project in the Werkes Shed, 73/75 Honda XR75 Flat-tracker.
Future projects, 81 Yamaha GT80 and a 82 TT250.
77 CR125 -- Except for the handlebars, levers, and Dunlop's, the bike is
stock. A nearly mint tank is in storage.
78 CR250R -- One of three from the old days, this bike survived the years as a
basket case and an ex-wife unit that wanted it hauled to the dump and threatened
divorce if I ever rode again. This bike is now nearly identical to my main
ride. Equipped with 60 degree side-pull throttle, shorty levers, 29"
handlebar, Clarke Tank, Boyesen Pro Reeds, 38mm Mikuni, reproduction Fox mounting brackets, DG
Silencer, Dunlop's, Simons Forks with magnesium sliders, Fox AirShox's, DG Gold
Anodized swing-arm, 79 electronics and cylinder, and perched on a work stand. A nearly mint tank is in
storage. Thanks to Faye for purchasing the swing-arm
on EBay!.... I had been watching it all week and
was not in the position to bid on it. As the auction went into it's final
hours, I sat intently at my PC watching the bidding as Faye sat at hers playing
on-line Bingo. With less than an hour to go, Faye stated, "honey, I
just won a $800 jack pot." Half paying attention, I casually replied,
"...that's nice." and continued to watch the bidding.... Minutes
later, I asked, "is that real money???" She simply stated,
"you can buy that swing-arm now."
81 CR250R -- DG pipe and silencer, Boyesen Reeds, Dunlop's, and 29" bars
with shorty levers.
With Carol Pigg at the 2010 Budds Creek Pro National, Carol is still scoring at
District 13 events.
Budds Creek 2010 Pro National with Roger Decoster and Ryan Dungey. Charde'
and I went to the pits looking for our favorite riders, I'm partial to anyone
riding a Geico Honda and she is a Reedy fan. Well, none of those guys
where anywhere to be found, then we came to the Makita Suzuki pit, both of our
loyalties were changed by the fact that Roger and his team were 100% about the
fans and being accessible. The Man knows more about what our sport and Pro
MX is about then any other team manager out there.
Patrick and I at Budds Creek, MD. 2000 season regional opener.
Trying to chase down a rider who was in diapers when 78 CR's came out.
Hopefully, I will get as fast as Steve in time.
2002, "The Landing" in Easton, MD. Thanks to Nathan for the ride
and the picture.
The 2002 Mid-Atlantic Team Champions. Left to right, Peter Tyson, Steve Isenhour, and yours truly.
Despite a point system designed to favor Vintage bikes, we all pushed ourselves
to the edge on our Post Vintage mounts to
take the overall. Many thanks to Peter and Steve for making a dream come
true in winning this event.
2003, AHRMA National at Camelback, WV.
2003, Rausch Creek. This event will be forever in my mind due to a
"Newbie" Expert on a 490 Maico that took me out before the
first turn. End result was shoulder surgery at
the end of the 04 season. Photo by Missy Ackerman.
2003, The Landing in Easton MD. Photo by Bob Siegel.
Receiving First in Open Ultima Intermediate. The starting blocks were a
gift from Fred Guidi, I expect the tandem setup
to facilitate many hole shots this season.
The award that should have been given in 2003! "The Vintage Tissue
Award" I hereby award to Fred Guidi,
"a former back of the pack pro", for crying "Sandbaggers"
to the Post Vintage Riders that he doesn't even compete with!
me after you run the National Series as an Expert in Post Vintage, not Vintage, I've got plenty
of "Vintage" tissues just for you bud.
at Gatorback, FLA Photo by Matt Benson.
Gatorback 2004 with
Jim Pomeroy.
August 6, 2006, Godspeed Jim, you will be missed, remembered, respected for all
you have done for our sport, and loved by all of us that have been touched by
you by just being Jim.
Mr. Pomeroy getting sadistic pleasure by touching the boo-boo on my throttle thumb as Dave Boydstun looks on with equal pleasure!
AHRMA Awards Banquet for 2003. Congratulating Rik Smits for a fun season.
During the year, Rik and I banged bars at every race. In the end, I got
him by just a few points in PV Open Age.
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Updated: 08/11/2022
Web Master: Thor Lawson LtThor©1995-2022